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  The Best Publication House is INKZOID FOUNDATION with the topmost ranking in the writing industry which is an independent international Publishing Platform and Writing Community along with literary Club founded by world record holder and celebrity author,Durlav Sarkar.It is an organisation which also provides platform to the real talent through awards and Book Of Records.


INKZOID FOUNDATION is an independent international Publishing Platform and Writing Community along with literary Club founded by world record holder and celebrity author,Durlav Sarkar and it is place of creative people such as a hub of open mic event organisers, dancers, musicians, singers,artists,podcast artists and photographers we promote them through our featuring page,INKZOID Wonders that is why it is another name for opportunity and it is a family of "Hardwork", "Dedication" and "Creativity". 

We don’t believe in limitations that is why we only focus on breaking records because we think that records are made to be broken. We are such an organisation in the world which has been recognised by a Book of World Records. INKZOID FOUNDATION provides world records and national records for free(extra charges are not applicable for it) just need to compile a book by following the guidelines of our record package . 
Therefore it is an exciting offer for you all to be a record holder. These are the statements which defines INKZOID FOUNDATION is the family of "Hardwork", "Dedication", "Creativity" and "Unity". 

INKZOID FOUNDATION has several official writing communities and units such as Bleed your Ink,Team Writers,The Revolutionary Ink,Inspired Thoughts,world_instapic.hub,The Clickers,The Golden Talent,Aesthete writers,Writer’s Words,INKZOID_Wonder and INKZOID TIMES INKZOID FOUNDATION is also associated with Kalakritiyaan and De’ Talk Community.

 INKZOID FOUNDATION’s Awards are "Go INKZODIAC Award","INKZOIDOPIDIA","INKZOID Book Of Records", because we believe in giving honour to real talents. 



->Let's Write Our Own Dreams

• Publish Your Dreams.

=>To publish your own books at a very reasonable and nominal cost.

•Tailoring Package.

=>To compile your own package with your decided number of slots.

•Magazine Mania.

=>To publish anykind of magazines with coloured pages/non coloured pages in e-copy/hardcopy.

•Freemania Publishing.

=>To publish your book at free of cost.

•Express Publishing.

=>To publish your books within a very short span of time(a month or less than that).

•Let's Do It Solo.

=>To publish your solo books and novels.

•It's International.

=>To give platform to the authors all over the world and msintat the symbolism of unity.

->Let's Welcome To Our Family


=>To design posters for events/Books and design book covers as a designer.

•Formatting Freak.

=>To give platform to young talents to show their skills in text formatting as text formatter.


=>To give platform to young talents to show their skills in Technical line by avoiding all the technical glitches including live streaming during events as technical head.

•Let's Head The People.

=>To give platform to young talents to show their skills in leading a project/book/event as project heads.

•It's Promotional.
=>To give platform to young talents to show their skills in promoting and increase our reach as PR/Promoter.

•Maestros Of Marketing.
=>To give platform to young talents to show their skills in marketing from listing books in Amazon/Flipkart/Kindle to deliver the book at customer's doorstep through courier.

->Let's Collaborate

•Official Partnership & Sponsorship.

=>To collaborate with other pages and Publications and helping us in promoting us and be our sponsor/event partner during events in return we will use your logos in our poster,provide you certificate of Collab and will be your event partner/sponsor/promoter in your events. 

•The Partnering Media.

=>To collaborate with other pages and Publications and helping us in promoting us and be our event/media partner during events in return we will use your logos in our poster and provide you certificate of Collab. 

->Let's Be Creative

•Platform To Perform.

=>To give platform to young talents to show their skills in music,dancing or singing.

•Let's Be Artistic.

=>To give platform to young talents to show their skills in Art as artists.

•Capturing Lens.

=>To give platform to young talents to show their skills in photography as photographers.

->let's Build Up Our Dreams

•Power Of Penning.

=>To start up your own writing community and make it one of the largest of its kind with 250+ authors.
•Let's Speak Up.

=>To give platform to young talents to show their skills in hosting and public speaking to host events and build up your own open mic community with 200+ Participants and make it the largest of its kind.

•Organise Your Thoughts.

=>To allow the talents to organise their own event and competitions and giving them opportunity to make them famous.

•Inkzoid Book Of Records.

=>To give platform to the young talents to feature their record in the INKZOID Book Of Records and be a record holder because records are made to be broken.

->Serving The Mankind

•To Serve All.

=>To search donaters to serve the mankind whole over the world and help all the NGOs in this world of and be a inspiration for others.

-->Our Moto & Resolution:-

=>We believe in Hardwork, Dedication, Creativity and Unity to succeed in our life,to work for the enhancement of literature as literature is the mirror of the society and build up our own dreams in all the spheres and concepts of our life as mentioned above to set a new record and be a inspiration for the whole world."

Welcoming All Of You To The INKZOID FOUNDATION Family.

With Regards,
Durlav Sarkar,


Bleed Your Ink-Debarati Das

Team Writers-Suvi Murugan

The Quidditch Ink-Nilanjana Sarkar

Penning The Pain-Yumna Gulvez

The Revolutionary Ink-Vedika Mishra

Writer's Word-Mahak Chawla

Aesthete Writers-Sohini Ghosh

Inspired Thoughts-Sohini Sarkar

world_instapic.hub-Rounak Kayal

INKZOID Wonder-Asmi Barman

INKZOID Times-Sanya Tikarya

The Golden Talent-Sohini Sarkar

The Clickers-Tuhin Maji

Purpose Go Viral (official partner)-DR.Abhilash Rout and Esther Mahima Sarkar.

INKZOID Podcast-Sanya Tikarya.


De Talk-Ashutosh Mishra

•Go INKZODIAC awards

•INKZOID Book Of Records



•Durlav Sarkar,Celebrity Author and World Record Holder makes a record of writing 55 lyrical sonnets and completing each one of within 5 mins and holds multiple works records then he comes up with his new start-up INKZOID FOUNDATION and makes it the the only publication house which is recognised by a Book Of Records itself.

•INKZOID FOUNDATION was also successful

to conduct an open mic which was hosted by Navya Sreeramagiri and Avni Patel for 3 hrs which was planned on the same day(10th Of May 2021) and their challenge was to gather 50 + Participants within 5 hrs in order to break a record and create a history which never happened before in history.
Finally INKZOID FOUNDATION was successful to gather 50 + Participants within 5 hrs in order to break a record and create a history.
In celebration of this historical event Durlav Sarkar,the founder of INKZOID FOUNDATION took an initiative and introduced an International open mic and writing community named as The Merakian’s Community-A place for creative souls. 

•We were also succesful in releasing 67+ podcasts within 5 days which which is really a remarkable one and moreover we headed with 55+ anthologies within 5 days which is also again a marvellous thing.

•INKZOID FOUNDATION is also known for its reach and they set a record for getting 250+ authors in most of their writing communities within 12 hours.

•Compile a book with us following the guidelines of our record package and you will be a record holder without any extra charges, therefore it's. A great opportunity provided by them which is not provided by any other publications.

•INKZOID FOUNDATION's Writing Community,Team Writers founded by Sudharvizhi Murugan made a world record of receiving 1700+ Write-ups in a day which created a history indeed.

•We have got Celebrity Brand Ambassadors in INKZOID FOUNDATION

1.)DR.Anita Gupta

She is Celebrity Corporate Trainer and Co Editor Of OMG Book Of Records.

2.)Shreejita Banerjee

She is a well known Bollywood actress and model who won the title of Mrs. India Universe in 2019 is an inspiration to other women. She has also won the title of Mrs. Raigad, Maharashtra, 2018.

3.)Prof.Dr.Dinesh Gupta

He is Limca Book Of Record Holder and multiple world record holder,Gold medalist mechanical engineer,Corporate trainer,Mind Set Guru,Author, Motivational Speaker and CEO of OMG Book Of Records.

4.)Megha G.

Founder Of Global Woman Foundation, Celebrity Designer, Director of The ID Solutions,CEO of Help Me Climb Foundation, Social Activist, Motivation Speaker,Global Excellence Icon Awardee 2019 and Golden Globe Awardee 2020.

5.)DR.Abhilash Rout

He is the head Of Purpose Go Viral Studios.
He is a National Record Holder and Vajra Record Holder,One of the Brand Ambassadors of OMG Book Of Records.He received doctorate for serving mankind. 


•INKZOID FOUNDATION is going for the release of many books which also includes "Land Of Diversity".

"Land Of Diversity" is a World Record & National Record Book which Palak Dutta,Co Founder Of INKZOID is compiling with world record holder and celebrity author-Durlav Sarkar. This book consists of write-ups in 35+ languages and 50+ co-authors created a new history which is fantastic indeed,both of them creates a new record which is remarkable.

•We were also successful in doing 70 podcasts in 5 days and it was headed by Sanya Tikarya,the podcast head of INKZOID FOUNDATION.
The other people except Sanya Tikarya,who were involved in doing the records where Durlav Sarkar,founder of INKZOID FOUNDATION along with Tuhin Maji (HR Manager, INKZOID FOUNDATION),Rounak Kayal(Designing Head, INKZOID FOUNDATION) and Kirti Goel(Podcast Coordinator Of INKZOID FOUNDATION).

•INKZOID FOUNDATION created the pink core team on Women's Day 2021 which consists of 95 percent of female core team members.

•INKZOID FOUNDATION also has covid helpline initiated by Ashutosh Mishra and we also conduct live sessions in order to spread awareness of Covid 19 among the people.

These were some of our records and we want to create more records in future as well.

Therefore INKZOID FOUNDATION is the best publication house with ranking one and it is a family of "Hardwork","Dedication" and "Creativity" which do not believe in limitations because INKZOID FOUNDATION is here to make history and records to be an inspiration for the future generation.