INKZOID FOUNDATION Celebrates DR.Abhilash Rout's first year anniversary in writing field-An initiative taken by Durlav Sarkar, World Record Holder and Celebrity Author.
The founder of INKZOID FOUNDATION, Durlav Sarkar takes an initiative to celebrate Abhilash Rout's 1st year anniversary in writing field to give him an honour for all the works he did for writing industry and for mankind as he is a social worker and actor besides being a author.
INKZOID FOUNDATION took an initiative to falicitate him and collected videos from the authors of the writing field which also included some celebrity authors like Prof Dr Dinesh Gupta,Limca Book Of Record Holder and DR.Anita Gupta.
A small compilation was also gifted to him by INKZOID FOUNDATION which includes writeups from various authors of the writing industry.
INKZOID FOUNDATION is really thankful to each and everyone who supported them in this celebration and provided them videos and write-ups to falicitate DR.Abhilash Rout.
Dr. Abhilash Rout is from Cuttack, Odisha. He has completed his graduation in B.Com with Accounts Honours.
He is preparing for competitive exams too. He has been working for the welfare of the weaker sections of the society.
Writing has been a part of expressing his feelings & his thoughts into words.
He is working in Odia film industry as an actor, story writer and assistant director.
He is the Head of a Production House named as *Purpose Go Viral Pvt Ltd.* which works for Entertainment Purposes on different social issues.
His Instagram handle is @coolcapt_abhilash.
He has taken part in more than 170 anthologies which includes international anthologies too.
He is the winner of OMG Book Of Records, Amazing Book of Records, Indian Book Of Records, Brand Ambassador of OMG Book Of Records, India Star Award 2021, Abdul Kalam Award 2020, Indian Professional Award 2020.
He is awarded with Honorary Doctorate Award for Humanity & social work.
Co author in the Anthology Recognised by Vajra World Records and High Range of Records - *Gustakhi Maaf Hai*.
INKZOID FOUNDATION is very proud to celebrate DR.Abhilash Rout's 1st year anniversary in this writing field therefore Times of Malwa features this event.